COVID-19 EMS Patient Management: Myth vs. Reality
Free Webinar Recorded March 13, 2020
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Medic Ambulance Service and Solano County Public Health in Solano County, CA are on the front-line of managing COVID-19 confirmed and persons under investigation (PUI) patients at Travis AFB in Northern California. More than 40 patients have been transported to area hospitals for further treatment.
Hear first-hand from Jimmy Pierson, President/COO Medic Ambulance; Dr. Bela Matyas, Solano County Public Health Director; and Ted Selby, Solano County EMS Administrator, how they planned for and executed the management of these patients and the impacts from a public health and EMS perspective. This valuable webinar will give attendees the ‘ground level truth’ about things like:
- Myth vs. Reality of PPE
- Crew preparation and communication
- Ambulance decon
- Crew member quarantine
- Public Health Information
The presenters will plan 30 minutes of content so that there will be significant time to answer participant questions.
- Bela T. Matyas, MD, MPH, Health Officer / Deputy Director, Solano County Public Health
- James Pierson, President / COO, Medic Ambulance Service, Vice President, California Ambulance Association
- Ted Selby, Agency Administrator, Solano County Emergency Medical Services
Hosting Organizations
- Academy of International Mobile Healthcare Integration
- National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT)
- International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED)
- FirstWatch Solutions
- California Ambulance Association
- Paramedic Chiefs of Canada