EMS Webinar | July 20, 2022 | 12:00 ET | Free to All
Speakers: Chip Decker, Jon Washko, Matt Zavadsky, Linda Frederiksen
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What if you were asked that question tomorrow? Your city manager is developing the city's budget for next year and has listened to you explain for a year that staffing shortages, cost increases, and supply chain issues are hindering your ability to provide reliable EMS service to the community. She's also seen the local and national media reports on the plight of the challenging EMS economic model leading to service failures. She's ready to put additional funding into the city's budget for EMS. How much do you need? How do you provide simple data about your current cost of service delivery, and what future costs will likely be? What impact would service level changes have on your funding need? Do you press for one-time funding, or sustainable funding for the long haul?
This scenario is playing out in many communities across America as governmental leaders finally realize that the current EMS economic model is not sustainable.
This webinar will walk you through the simple steps to identify your current cost of service delivery, as well as predict future costs based on anticipated revenue and expense changes, and help you estimate cost changes with modifications to service delivery changes.
A panel of leaders from High-Performance EMS Agencies that are currently either receiving or pursuing public funding will also share their recent experiences.
Chip Decker
Richmond Ambulance Authority
Richmond, VA
Linda Frederiksen
Medic EMS
Davenport, IA
Jonathan Washko
Northwell Health Center for EMS
Syosset, NY
Matt Zavadsky
Medstar Mobile Healthcare
Fort Worth, TX