Best Practices in EMS Transformation During the Pandemic
Recorded Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Many EMS agencies have dramatically transformed their clinical and operational and approach for care delivery, as well as enhancing their role in the community, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. EMS regulators have had to navigate the regulatory environment to change rules that facilitate the changes necessary for EMS agencies to effectively serve their communities. Implementing transformational change requires strong clinical leadership, responsive operational acumen, and in many cases, changes in the regulatory environment. Successful transformation takes close collaboration with medical direction, operations and regulatory oversight.
Join panelists from the Academy of International Mobile Healthcare Integration, the National Association of EMS Physicians, and the National Association of State EMS Officials as they highlight examples and best practices for navigating the clinical, operational and regulatory maze to facilitate transforming the role of EMS.
Have specific questions for our panelists? Send them to amanda@ambulance.org in advance of the webinar!

Kenneth A. Scheppke, MD, FAEMS
EMS Medical Director, State of Florida
Medical Director, Palm Beach County Fire Rescue
Veer D. Vithalani, MD, FACEP, FAEMS
System Medical Director, Office of the Medical Director,
Metropolitan Area EMS Authority
Chief Medical Officer, MedStar Mobile Healthcare
Ashley Thoele, MSN, MBA, RN
Division Chief, Emergency Medical Services and Highway Safety
Office of Preparedness and Response
Illinois Department of Public Health
J. Sam Hurley, MPH, EMPS, NRP
Director, Maine Emergency Medical Services
Kevin Smith, BAppB:ES, CMM III, ACP, CEMC (Invited)
Chief, Niagara Emergency Medical Services
Kenneth J. Simpson, J.D., NRP
Interim Chief Executive Officer, MedStar Mobile Healthcare
Matt Zavadsky, MS-HSA, NREMT
Chief Transformation Officer, Medstar Mobile Healthcare
Immediate Past President, NAEMT
Education Chair, AIMHI