Florida Mobile Integrated Healthcare Community Paramedicine Program Guidebook PDF Download
From AIMHI Education Chair Matt Zavadsky. "Congratulations to Jane Bedford and the team at the Florida EMS Bureau for publishing an excellent guidebook for MIH-CP."
From the introduction:
The purpose of this Guidebook is to do just that – guide you through the research, analysis, planning, development, and successful
launch of your own customized Florida Mobile Integrated Healthcare – Community Paramedicine (MIH-CP) Program. This resource
is straight-forward and easy to read. In addition to guidance, it provides recommendations and lessons learned from MIH-CP
programs in Florida, advice from experts across the country, with expanded resources and templates.
This Guidebook is not designed to tell you what you must do,
but to provide suggestions and ideas on what to consider in
developing your own MIH-CP. As you read it, remember that
not all the information in the Guidebook will apply to you or
your organization. Use it to think through the elements of
your program and remember that a successful program must
be anchored in your community