Kaiser Health News Source Articles | Comments Courtesy of Matt Zavadsky
Hospital and EMS-based Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) partnerships to reduce readmissions continues to be one of the most popular programs.
Effective partnerships have shown excellent reductions in preventable readmissions.
NOTE: At the end of this article, KHN provides links to download all the readmission penalties since 2015 for all hospitals, and a look up tool where you can look up hospital’s readmission penalties.
An exceptional resource!
New Round of Medicare Readmission Penalties Hits 2,583 Hospitals
Jordan Rau
October 1, 2019
Medicare cut payments to 2,583 hospitals Tuesday, continuing the Affordable Care Act’s eight-year campaign to financially pressure hospitals into reducing the number of patients who return for a second stay within a month.
The severity and broad application of the penalties, which Medicare estimates will cost hospitals $563 million over a year, follows the trend of the past few years. Of the 3,129 general hospitals evaluated in the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program, 83% received a penalty, which will be deducted from each payment for a Medicare patient stay over the fiscal year that begins today.